tetanus disease

A man aged 33 years complained difficult to open the mouth, stomach pain, tense, sore waist, since 2 days ago. 1 week before the patient is stuck on the drawing right feet. Complaint accompanied by nausea and feeling of difficulty breathing. dispose of urine smooth, slightly soft faeces. No cramps and other complaints. There are data on the examination of blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, pulse 84, temperature 39.2, 20 respiration, body weight 56 kg, with a number lekosit 9000, visible wounds on the right foot black.
treatment and the explanation
with at least some data that we got the diagnosis of disease is likely the patient is tetanus, although not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give drugs:
1. infuse D5% 20 drops per menit
2. neurodex 3X 1 tablet
3. diazepam 3X 1 ampule
4. anti tetanus 60,000 UI / day with the 30,000 and 30,000 UI iv UI im
This man proposed to treated in the hospital. All our drugs for use during the symptoms disappear. After that we give advice to the father to be in a quiet, not many families he visited, the place is dark, and report when there is a strain.

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