A man aged 58 years complained of vision disturbed since 6 days ago, that the longer the more severe. Obstructed vision feels like a spider's nest, every evening and morning. From the results of the examination, we obtained data: blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg, pulse 78, temperature 36.6, 20 respiration, body weight 60 kg, with the results of laboratory blood sugar 350.
treatment and the explanation
with some data that we acquired the disease may be diagnosed this patient is cataract, although not close the possibility of other diseases. Because the new few days, this disease is still to enter the initial phase so that we give drugs:
1. 2X 2.5 mg glibenclamide as anti diabetic
2. pirenoxine 4X 0.005% as anticataract
after that we gave to the men about the disease and give suggestions for the control of each drug up
gastroenteritis acute
a child aged 8 years old came with his mother with the complaint liquid feces, with the lees, without mucus, without blood, more than 15 times in 1 day with stomach pain on the top right of the area, normal functions of the other, since 3 days ago after eating a snack in schools. Examination of the body weight 15 kg, blood pressure 70 / 50 mm Hg, respiration rate of 22X, 88X pulse, temperature 37.8 C, the physical examination, we obtained data: noisy increased bowel, stomach pain and press on the top right.
treatment and the explanation
with some data that we may obtain the patients diagnosis illness Gastroenteritis is acute, although not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give drugs:
1. cotrimoxazole 2X 480mg as antibiotic
2. kaolin 3X 1 spoon peck
3. oralit 3X 1 wrap
We provide advice to the mother of the child's food consumption to maintain the child, with the snack, and keep the children good sanitation and the control 3 days later.
a child aged 10 years came with his mother with complaints of fever accompanied by painful swallow, cough, and nasal congestion, the other normal functions, since 2 days ago after drinking the ice. There is no similar history of disease in the past. Examination of the body weight 15 kg, temperature 38.8 C, shown in the mucosa faring reddish color, while the visible marks on tonsil inflammation and enlargement T3.
treatment and the explanation
with some data that we acquired the disease may be diagnosed this patient is tonsilo pharingitis, although not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give drugs:
1. paracetamol 3X 150mg as antipiretic
2. dexametason 3X 0.3 mg of anti-inflammation
3. 3X 300mg amoxicillin antibiotic as (double dose)
we make all drugs in the form of puyer in order to more easily use them, unless we give amoxicillin in the day to two days because of the likelihood that bacteria will multiply comensalis the mucosa cause damage to the nose and made to be used for 7 days.
after that we give advice to the mother of the child's food consumption to maintain the child, with the snack, water, ice, and keep the children good sanitation. Control after 3 days later the patient is cured.
Thypoid fever
A man aged 35 years complained fever since 6 days ago, lost arise each morning and evening, along with sense of nausea, vomiting but does not want to vomit, and stomach aches on top. Patient movement is not smooth, about 2 days ago until now has not been void. From the results of the examination, we obtained data: blood pressure 130/80 mm Hg, pulse 68, temperature 37.8, 20 respiration, body weight 60 kg, with a physical examination sign thypoid the tongue, stomach pain and press on the top, while the other normal.
treatment and the explanation
with some data that we acquired the disease may be diagnosed this patient is thypoid fever, although not close the possibility of other diseases. because of fever in this disease has not been entered until the day-to-7, therefore we provide the medicine:
1. paracetamol 3X 500mg as antipiretic
2. dexametason 3X 0.5 mg of anti-inflammation
3. ciprofloxacin 2X 500mg as antibiotic
4. ranitidin 2X 150mg
all the drugs we give to the lapse of time 3 days ..
after that we give advice to men is to maintain food consumption, eating fiber abstinence until smooth movement (about day 10) and we hope to control the day-to-3. After control 3X, then the patient is cured.
ren: nephritis
A man aged 23 years complained of fever since 3 days ago with a stomach illness at the top, and the feeling of nausea, vomiting want. Not found cough, urinate and defecate smoothly. On examination we get blood pressure 130/80 mm Hg, pulse 84, temperature 37.7, 20 respiration, body weight 40 kilograms. Pain in the right kidney. Examination did not find the difference or we are all normal.
treatment and the explanation
with at least some data that we acquired the disease may be diagnosed this patient is nephritis, although not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give drugs:
1. amoxicillin 3X 500mg
2. dexametason 3X 0.5 mg
we do not give antipiretic because summer is not too high and the potential can be derived with a warm compress. After that we give advice to men is to maintain food consumption, keep the good sanitation. Control after 2 days later, the patient is cured.
Fever Unknown Origin
a woman aged 23 years with complaints of fever since 4 days ago without a reason that is not known. This woman felt the fever on day 3 but to feel the heat back to 4 days. swallow without pain, without a cough. history does not have convulsions, and other functions normally. examination of the blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, pulse 84, temperature 36.7, 20 respiration, body weight 35 kg. mucosa faring seen in the normal color, whereas in the tonsil is not visible sign of inflammation, normal urine and feces as usual. Drugs that patients take paracetamol, but the heat down just a little. We suspect this disease is likely due to the virus. But may be due to parasites or because of drugs.
treatment and the explanation
with at least some data that we acquired the disease may be diagnosed this patient is FUO, although not close the possibility that other diseases such as influenza and malaria. Therefore, we give drugs:
1. paracetamol 3X 250mg as antipiretic
2. dexametason 3X 0.5 mg of anti-inflammation
3. 3X 500mg amoxicillin antibiotic as (to keep the possibility of infection)
all the drugs we use to create a 3-day, in the hope that, if properly because of virus in 7 days to recover will own.
after that we give advice to women is to maintain food consumption, keep the good sanitation. Control after 3 days later, the patient is cured.
cancer: cancer mamae
A woman aged 45 years complained the right breast feel have mass of the tennis ball first only marbles. Patients feel mass this increase only during the 8 weeks. In the family history the patient has a known descendant of the mother, who has the same disease. Patients also felt the pain when pressed on mass. No other complaints. On physical examination we found mass with 10 centimeters diameter, reddish color similar to orange peel with the pus out of the hilt breast patients. Blood pressure 130/80 mmHg, pulse 84, temperature 36.7, 20 respiration, body weight 40 kg,
with at least some data that we may get the disease diagnosed cancer patients is mamae dektra, although not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give the medicine to treat pain complaints and refer patients to surgery. After 4 weeks, patients have come back to breast surgery, but the patient does not continue the therapy from the doctor surgery, so visible on the right breast cancer that is damaged because that has been spreading in the pulmo dextra. Patients come with complaints of feeling very painful, that require analgetic drugs. We only provide:
1. mefenamat 3X acid 500mg
2. diazepam 1X 5mg
3. ranitidin 2X 150mg
4. amoxicllin 3X 500mg
5. rivanol, injury to withhold cancer 3X a day.
We recommend that patients have to buy a cancer drug, but there is no cost so that the patient choose from our therapy. We also advise the patient to the family for the patient, patients age because it is likely to stay small. The possibility to live 3 more months. Patient control over 3X (about 2 weeks) and then the news that the patient has died.
virus disease: influenza
a child with his mother came with complaints of fever since 2 days ago without a reason that is not known. Children only to feel a fever swallow without pain, without a cough. history does not have convulsions, and other functions normally. examination of the body weight 12 kg, temperature 37.8 C, shown in the mucosa faring normal color, whereas in the tonsil is not visible sign of inflammation.
treatment and the explanation
with at least some data that we may obtain the patients diagnosis illness is influenza, although it does not close the possibility of other diseases. therefore we give drugs:
1. paracetamol 3X 120mg as antipiretic
2. dexametason 3X 0.2 mg of anti-inflammation
3. 3X 140mg amoxicillin antibiotic as
we make all drugs in the form of puyer in order to more easily use them, unless we give amoxicillin in the day to two days because of the likelihood that bacteria will multiply comensalis the mucosa cause damage to the nose and made to be used for 7 days.
after that we give advice to the mother of the child's food consumption to maintain the child, with the snack, water, ice, and keep the children good sanitation. Control after 3 days later the patient is cured.
A man reported his mother: 1 day before treatment to hospital patients, patients forget activities on Thursday. According to his mother, this man seems strange that day, early morning patients go shopping and bring home lots of onion. Red onion assigned to the kitchen . Patients said that the patient go home with young children who bule funny and a certain type of nose length. Patients play with children while laugh-laughter. But this man does not see the children and the mother, the bule. Once you've finished playing the patient to ask this man, who is buying a red onion? Who gives as much onion? Questions are repeated until the patient re-4x, this man said that their own mother to buy the onion. Routine activities of each patient is the same morning bath grandchildren, and this was done by the patient. Once finished bath grandchildren, patients ask this man 'grandchildren have not yet bath'. Patients forget to wash the seed already. And the question is repeated again by the patient. Day the patients husband returned from a rice field and saw his wife suddenly become strange and monologue, the husband to his wife directly examined midwife near home. Patients are given medication Zecaneuron and Allerion. After drinking the medicine is the patient still does not remember the activity. Neighbors coming home patients who want to see the condition of the patient. Her husband said the patient appears confused, and ask her husband who came pack? Greet patients and guests who all came, it made the patient repeatedly. And ask who is coming back pack? The patient does not see people who have come go to home Nighttime patients continue to walk down in the house. Patients ask their husbands' first child at home? 'Questions repeated back-patient continuously. When her husband wanted to sleep the patient looks nervous but not long after the patient is asleep.
Prior to hospital patients are able to do activities as usual, when told her husband about the rarity patient, the patient does not remember at all have been doing is strange. Bring her husband back to the patient treatment midwife, the midwife suggested to be brought to the treatment Poli soul only.
Day to treatment hospital patients complained dizziness, felt, rotate the view, head feels heavy, nausea, vomiting, and pulse. Patient appears confused and sad. Patients forget the date and month. Patients crying when her husband told to strange. Patients do not remember what has been done on that day. Patients often consider the child's first and last. The first patients are children aged 30 years also have not been married, the patient is very sad to see the children who also have not been married, have been canceled and 2x disappointed married. Then the patient is also sad to see small daughter since often ill, often strain up to now. How patients think of the future daughter. Review the data we get: TD: 150/90 mm Hg pulse: 84 x / m Temperature: afebris. So we diagnosed depression with symptoms of schizophrenia. Treatment that we provide:
1. Chlorpromazine (CPZ) 1x 25mg
2. Haloperidol 1x 5mg
3. trihexipenidil 1x 2mg
patients family also gave us the information to provide psicotherapy supportive: aims to raise the patient trust self that he can recover (controlled disease).
Since 1 month ago the patient complained of difficulty sleeping, the patient takes 4 hours from initial start to fall asleep or not asleep until morning. Sometimes the patient also like awakened early in the morning to around 2 hours or 3 hours, the patient can not sleep again. patients always have their parents, especially her mother's bed the night before, because the patients always feel different opinion with her mother in a variety of things you want done. The skewer with the patient felt since his mother already 3 weeks ago.
One day the patient had to invite his mother to discuss about desire be gazed at directly selling but by his mother, the mother of the patient wanted to work farming patients only. patient said that each case is always one of her mother's eyes. Since that time the patient is rarely necessary to communicate or talk with his mother only. patients more silent.
patients who take medicine to sleep gained from friends who are also difficult to sleep, the patient forgot the name of medicine. With the drugs that patients can sleep until the morning without having awakened in the morning once. After drug treatment the patient is discharged to general practitioners close to home, patients given the drug Alprazolam. Alprazolam patients with medication may sleep, but to start sleeping patient still requires 4 hours to actually sleep with no awakened early in the morning once. Patients consume drugs during this same morning wake up each patient complained of pain, the patient feels heavy. If the patient does not consume drugs is the patient can not sleep again.
This makes the patient feel confused, nervous, sad and tense. Complaints can be reduced if the patient is told about the problem to other people that are considered related patient and understand the situation. patients feel tired easily, difficulty concentrating, and decreased appetite. On inspection we obtain the data: TD: 120 / 80 mm Hg pulse: 80 / min Temperature: Afebris. from the results, we can diagnosis that the patient is anxious interference with symptoms depression. Therefore, we give drugs:
• Anti depressing: Amitriptyline 1x 1
• Anti Anxieties: Alprazolam 1x1
Therapy while the other gives us psicotherapy which include:
- Cognitive-behavior: cognitive approach to directly answer the patients cognitive distortions that hipotesis
- Supportive: Offering comfortable and comfort for patients
acute miokard infark
Patients complained chest pain such as depression, accompanied by, the body weak, dizzy, and deg-degan since 2 days ago. Become a complaint if the patient activity excess. According to patients, since more than 2 years ago, the patient complained stive (lost arise) sometimes accompanied by chest pain, dizziness and headache are the heart throb, but not matter by the patient. New patients exposed himself to realize that heart disease after the EKG and the chest Rontgen. Since the patient take the medicine regularly to prevent heart attacks. From the results of the inspection data obtained:
T: 160 / 110 mm Hg R: 22 / min N: 76 x / min Q: afebris, with a high body: 163 cm and body weight: 65 kg, the sound effect of normal heart. The results of our examination the diagnosis is: acute miokard infark, so we provide treatment that is:
1. ISDN 3 X 5 - 10 mg, sub-lingual as the prevention of sleep
2. Diltiazem 3 X 30 mg, per oral as a vasodilator
We give this medication on a continual basis to keep heart patients perfusi network. To the family to advise our patients in order to give the family the patient tolerate the activities and supervise the patient so that the patient remains awake of his life.
dermatitis contact allergy
Patients come to the right side of neck at first there is a rash after shoulder reddish wood from the garden, 3 days ago, the tingle and to scratch. And start a day break out in pimples, especially on the fringe of a rash, with acute sense in scratch areas. Patients receive treatment and have not lived until him complaint now. On physical examination we get the data: T: 110 / 70 mm Hg R: 22 / min N: 72 x / min, with a body weight 67 kilograms. This case is very easy to do that is the diagnosis: allergic contact dermatitis. We provide drug:
1. Hidrocortison cream 3 X 1 oles
2. CTM 3 X 4 mg
After get the treatment, patients feel better. To the patient to advise that we keep the body, and avoid the wood that cause allergies.
arthritis gout
A female patient aged 45 years complained both legs often feel stiff, especially in the area on foot toe, accompanied the body weak, and tired easily since 1 week ago. Become a complaint if the patient activity weight. Also note the patient history in the form of vegetables like beans and cassava consumption. No complaints other, dispose of feces and urine are normal. Data obtained from the examination: Q: 110 / 70 mm Hg R: 22 / min N: 72 x / min 154 cm high and body weight 45 kilograms. We estimate this patient the diagnosis arthritis acid fiber (even if it does not close the possibility that other arthritis), so that we provide treatment:
1. AINS, antalgin 3X1 (if the complaint is too)
2. Alopurinol 1X100mg
To the patient we propose to conduct a laboratory examination in order to obtain definitive diagnosis. In fact this patient is suffering from acid strand to the patient so we recommend a low fiber diet, for example: nuts, melinjo, cassava, and so forth.
ischemic stroke
A male patient aged 56 years, after sleep wake up, the patient suddenly complained of right leg and is driven hard, with the right side of the face visible perot left, if the tongue out slant left. At that time the patient did not complain of dizziness, no fainting, no nausea, no vomiting, and patients remain conscious. Before bed, the patient did not complain of any kind. Known before the patient has a history of hypertension. After review, the results obtained: T: 160 / 90 mm Hg R: 22 / min N: 86 / min S: afebris. With minimal data, the patient may experience ischemic stroke. So we provide the first therapy before laboratory examination get another form of:
1. Piracetam 3 X 1 gram
2. Citikolin 2 X 250 mg
3. Ranitidin 2 X 150 mg
4. Captopril 2 X 25 mg
To the patient, we propose to review CT scan, to get a definitive diagnosis. Once we get the therapy recommendations for patients in order to maintain the family diet patients remain low salt, and keep doing physiotherapy.
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